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Pre-Order - QR Code Scan Report for Name Tag Stickers

Pre-Order - QR Code Scan Report for Name Tag Stickers

Pre-order Only. Scan reports for Dynamic QR code buttons and Name Tag Stickers are not available yet. You can order your report now if you Pre-ordered buttons or Name Tag Stickers which will be shipping in January 2025!

Delve deeper into your event's networking dynamics with our exclusive QR Scan Report. This isn't just any report; it's your gateway to understanding and amplifying every connection made.

Key Features & Benefits:

  • One-Time Insight: Each QR code's scan data is meticulously captured for authenticity. Remember, for precision and integrity, scan data for each unique QR can be fetched only once.
  • Quantify Engagement: Delve into the frequency and popularity of each QR code interaction, turning abstract interactions into tangible data.
  • Strategic Planning: Use the report to discern patterns, amplify future engagements, and refine your networking strategies.
  • Maximize ROI: Craft follow-up strategies based on real data, ensuring every networking opportunity is seized.

⚡⚡⚡ Important: If the Scan Report wasn't part of your initial purchase, fret not! Enter your order number with this purchase, and we'll get you set up. While you can request a report multiple times for your order#, remember that each name tag's QR code scans can only be reported once. Post-purchase, expect an email link to request your tailored scan report.

Unlock the story behind every scan. Dive into data-driven insights and elevate your event's connectivity to unparalleled heights.

Regular price $25.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $25.00 USD
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